El Greco
Jorgos Skolias – vocal
Joachim Mencel – piano, hammond organ
DJ Krime – turntablism
Andrzej Święs – double bas
Harry Tanschek – drums
El Greco performs Joachim Mencels musical compositions written for the most distinguished world- renowned poems by Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Jan Kochanowski and others.
Joachim Mencel: ‘Music of El Greco is a synthesis of different styles – chillout, drum and bass, R&8. jazz, rock. The basis is the ability to move around in these styles. Although I am mostly identified with jazz, however I am not a jazz purist. what’s more, I believe that jazz was created as a synthesis of several genres of music in the United States (African rhythms, English hymns, negro spirituals. blues. ragtime). Today this concept of combining different music styles is widely used again. When we play Jazz, we put all our heart. passion, feelings into it! Everything is input, the music we listened to, when we discovered Jazz, the way we learned to play our instrument and not to forget also the respect of the history of Jazz and it’s evolution. Society, Nature, Enviroment, Relationships, life in general, influences us as well. We try to express those attributes in our music and convey it to the listener.’
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